
RevCom is a web-based, workflow system that manages the development process for directives. It enables managers and employees through out the Department to participate in the review and approval of new or revised documents.

This documentation will help you understand your role in the RevCom System. NOTE: for a more detailed explanation see the guide listed at the bottom under Reference Material.

The writer produces a document for review. The document is loaded into the RevCom system for review by Authorization Coordinators (ACs) and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).

Login to RevCom 

To login to NNSA Directives RevCom you will select Writers. The Writer login requires your username, and the password you established. If you do not have a user name or password, contact Support at 505-663-1302, or support@doxcelerate.com.

Your Document

In the list of documents that display when you log in, your Assigned Document will be Open for Comment. You can begin comment response when your document is listed in Comment Resolution on the list of documents.

Comment Response

In the Response phase, you will review and respond to comments and revise your document using Track Changes. Comments are categorized as Major or Suggested. You MUST respond to all Major comments before you can submit your comment response package. The Section List shows the number and types of comments submitted for each section. Review each comment to determine whether you edit your document. You must choose and Acceptance Level or the system will not allow you to Save Response.

Submit Responses

You will not see the Submit Response button at the top until you have responded to all Major comments. 

Reference Material:

Writer Guide

Writer Quick Tips